Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentines Day

Next week here in Romania, we have Valentines’ Day celebrations too, like much of the world. However, this has only appeared in recent times with commercialism from the west, prior to this Romania celebrated ‘Lovers’ Day’ on 24th February. This day has been celebrated following the legend of Bete Dochia, who was ‘known’ to be the cupid and godfather of the animal kingdom and at this time of the year the birds got engaged. The day is known as Dragobete, who was the son of Bete Dochia, described as a handsome and loving man.
On this day, people would gather outside of the church and go picking snowdrops. (Weather permitting), then at the end of the day the girls would run home and the boys would chase them, if the girl liked the boy, she would let him catch her and kiss her, they were then engaged for a whole year – which usually turned into the real thing and marriage.

Older people would take even more care of their animals on this day and spend time together with their neighbours at one house telling stories and feasting. This day was treated as any other religious holiday, people did not work it was so important.

Legend says that if you take part in this day, then you will be loved every day of the year, have a more successful year and be protected from illness too.
So, don't forget to look after the birds and have a very happy Valentines or Dragobete Day!

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